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2007年3 月 7日 (水)


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This is so exciting, I hope I win! I’ve only been to the show once since I live in Calgary, Alberta. But it was the absolute best time because the people were friendly and there was such a buzz going on at the show. We actually forgot to set our clocks ahead when we crossed time zones on our way there so we ended up showing up at the show 2 hours before it opened! We didn’t realize this until after about an hour in line first thing in the morning (the first hour we stood in line I was wondering why there weren’t more people there yet!). When we eventually figured it out, we burst out laughing and then felt the need to explain ourselves to the people standing around us. I would love to come again this year!

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For the connections I followed the schematic in the PDF that’s linked to in the description, its color coded which helps.


RwumcMyQ http://www.QSnNsbM4HMS09Iv61938o4.com/


ayVnfVkF http://www.6mB9yz20h5Qh9deUt04oO5.com/
